The South Hills Jewelers Blog
Fall 2019 Jewelry Trends
We've rounded up the four fall jewelry trends you need to know about from the runway! Everyone is sure to wear these styles. They will be the must haves this fall season. Scroll down to see the necklaces, earrings, and bracelets that will go on to become It accessories over the next few months.
SAPPHIRE - September Birthstone
When hearing the word Sapphire many people immediately envision a stunning violet-blue gemstone because the word “Sapphire” is Greek for blue.
August Gemstone
The word “peridot” comes from the Arabic faridat, meaning gem. This August birthstone was valued in many ancient and medieval cultures.
How to Choose the Right Sized Watch for Your Wrist
You’re looking for a new watch, but you don’t know how to choose a watch that will look “right” on your wrist. Some watches seem clunky, others to thin, and even when you find the right watch face, how do you know if you want a small, medium or large band?
5 Jewelry Pieces Perfect for Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day 2019 is approaching fast, which means it’s time to start thinking about what to get the most important woman in your life. Your mom gave you everything from before you were born, so give back to her this Mother’s Day with a thoughtful gift she’ll love forever. And if there is one thing that all moms love to get from their children, it’s jewelry.
How to Insure an Engagement Ring: The Complete Guide
Insurance: it’s not exactly chocolate and flowers, but it’s definitely something you should be thinking about if you recently got engaged. Whether your engagement ring cost a few hundred dollars or thousands, making sure your jewelry is covered in case of loss, theft or damage is essential.
What to Consider When Choosing an Engagement Ring
If you’re planning a proposal, you already know that finding the perfect ring for the perfect girl is a challenge. With such a huge range of styles, stones and metals, choosing an engagement ring can quickly become overwhelming. In this post, we’ll cover the basics of what you should consider when looking at engagement rings.
How Much Should You Spend on an Engagement Ring
Trying to find the perfect ring to propose with is a big deal. You want to find a ring that symbolizes your love, and that your spouse-to-be will love forever. But do you really have to spend thousands of dollars, or go into debt over one piece of jewelry? Is the 3 months’ salary rule still a thing? What do real people spend on engagement rings today?
How To Spruce Up And Clean Your Jewelry At Home
Just like that one closet in the guest room you keep meaning to organize, cleaning your jewelry might not be the first thing on your to-do list, but caring for your jewelry is an imperative practice to make a habit out of if you want to maintain its shine and sparkle! How often you should clean your jewelry depends on how often you wear it, so as long as you know how to store your jewelry properly, you can get away with cleaning the pieces you wear less often about once every 6 months. That being said, you should clean everyday jewelry, like your wedding and engagement rings, once a week, and have them professionally cleaned about twice a year.
What To Do With Gifted Or Heirloom Jewelry That’s Just Not Quite Right
Jewelry is a wonderful gift to both give and receive, but it’s one of the most difficult to get right. Style and size can be particularly hard to guess when it comes to jewelry, and sometimes, like for heirloom pieces, you don’t even get to guess. So whether your new fiancé was off on his guess or your grandfather and you don’t share the same ring size, we have all the info you need on getting your rings to fit your fingers and your style!
Gorgeous Gift Ideas For The Special Steelers Fans In Your Life
Football season is in full swing and if JuJu, AB, and Big Ben can keep it up, we have three solid more months to show off our Steelers pride. And what better way to do that than with some of these gorgeous (mostly) black and gold pieces from designers like Kelly Waters, Barkev’s, Lashbrook, and more. Especially with the holidays coming up, these are some great gift ideas for Steelers fans of all ages.
7 Pieces To Pair With Your Pumpkin Spiced Latte This Autumn
Fall is a time for leather boots, flannel, infinity scarves, and of course, Pumpkin Spice Lattes. The change in weather also presents a shift in the types and styles of jewelry you’ll wear with your warmer wardrobe. This fall, we have tons of great pieces for every fall activity—from hiking to housekeeping, we’ve got the perfect accessory for what you choose to do while sipping on your pumpkin-y deliciousness.
12 DIY Jewelry Storage Hacks
Few things are more difficult than trying to untangle a clump of necklaces, or more frustrating than when you want to wear a pair of earrings and can’t find one of them. While pretty and sparkly and arguably a necessary fashion component, managing all of your jewelry can be a pain. But don’t be fooled by all the over priced “jewelry organizers” you’ll find in the stores--there are so many ways you can DIY some way cuter, more practical, and more affordable ways to store your jewelry. Want to know how to keep necklaces from tangling, how about a DIY jewelry tree? Check out these super cute jewelry storage solutions.
Men's Custom Wedding Bands
It’s no secret that generally speaking, women know a bit more about jewelry than men do, and women are certainly more likely to wear it on a daily basis. So what’s a groom-to-be to do when his only experience with jewelry was the hemp necklace he wore during his Dave Matthews phase in 2001?
Unconventional Engagement Rings
Engagement rings should be a reflection of your personality, individuality, and your relationship—your partnership with your soon-to-be spouse. That being said, we know how many different styles there are to choose from for this once-in-a-lifetime piece of jewelry, and we’re here to help make sure you have the perfect ring for your unique personality and lifestyle.
3 Pieces of Jewelry to Update your Summer Look
In the recent days of summer, the temperature has skyrocketed, and we are not blessed with a dry heat here in Western PA. With that said, we are all stripping to the bare minimum—fewer pieces of clothing, chopping off locks of hair, and cutting back on amounts of jewelry. While that’s all necessary, let’s think about the pieces that we want to keep on, and how to make a statement. Drip in sweat while you’re dripping in some of the best minimalist jewelry.
Thank Dad for All He’s Done
As Father’s Day approaches, we’re all thinking of what we should get for the Fathers, Father figures, husbands, and male mentors in our lives. Whether a biological Father or someone who has been a great influence, a Father plays an important role and is one that we’ve appreciated in helping our lives grow.
How To Express Your Pride For Your Graduate
It’s officially graduation season. As our children and loved ones prepare for their graduation, many next steps are in mind. High school graduates may be looking toward their college careers, or may be taking time to figure out their passions. College graduates are now left with open-opportunity—whether a career is in sight, isn’t quite yet in sight, or graduate school is in the plan. Whatever the case, an era has ended and a new one is about to begin. Aside from unconditional love, what way can we best express our pride for their hard work? A timeless piece of jewelry, certainly. But what options are there?
Spring: The Season for Saying Yes!
Ah, Spring. Birds are chirping, leaves are returning, and romance is in the air. For many of us, Spring also signals the first step into wedded bliss, marked by an engagement ring of our dreams. At South Hills Jewelers, we’re here to help you make those dreams come true. Because just like the season, love is fully in bloom.